Saran : coba di char dummy
Required Tools :
1. Pilih browser pada CE
2. Masuk ninja saga lalu klik jutsu
3. Value type: Text
4. Pilih kode jutsu (jutsu harus yang sudah di equip)
5. Contoh: Masukan skill172(Fire Bird Rider) lalu klik first scan
6. Muncul 3 address ,pilih semua (ctrl+a) lalu klik panah merah
7. Ganti semua value dengan skill145(secret:death touch palm)
8. Lalu hilangkan satu jutsu
9. Equip lagi jutsu yg dihilangkan tadi
10. Liat Jutsu kamu
List Jutsu
List kode Jutsu...
skill:100-dual lightning spear
skill:101-dual water sphere
skill:102-dual wind cutter
skill:103-explosive kunai formation
skill:104-lightning ball burst
skill:105-earth arm
skill:106-water pressure cannon
skill:107-three combat rapid
skill:108-assault kick
skill:109-spirit touch
skill:110-refresh 4
skill:111-refresh 5
skill:112-moon cleave
skill:113-fire wave
skill:114-dual lightning shock
skill:115-earth palm
skill:116-water bombing
skill:117-startfire explosion
skill:118-wind blade extension
skill:119-lightning flash cry
skill:120-earth arm combo
skill:121-water shark swallow
skill:122-tidak ada skill
skill:123-wind piercing tornado
skill:124-lightning triple beam
skill:125-lightning double beam
skill:126-infinity edge chop
skill:127-polestar explosion
skill:128-mud golem strike
skill:129-shark rain
skill:130-rising fire combo
skill:131-pele lightning thrust
skill:132-mud golem fist
skill:133-four sharks burst
skill:134-lighning double burst
skill:135-lightning beam
skill:136-secret: ---locked---
skill:137-sky kick
skill:138-secret:profision of ghosts
skill:139-four palm
skill:140-flash wind chop
skill:141-fire fist explosion
skill:142-lightning hammer
skill:143-rock dumplings
skill:144-water swallow
skill:145-secret:death touch palms
skill:146-wind blade crossings
skill:147-raising fire explosion
skill:148-dual lightning impulse
skill:149-hexagonal rock hill
skill:150-water convergence
skill:151-dance of fujin
skill:152-rage of yama
skill:153-armor of narukami
skill:154-embrace of golem
skill:155-shield of suiten
skill:156-double moon cleave
skill:157-dual fire wave
skill:158-lightning energy burst
skill:159-dual rock dumplings
skill:160-water pressure strike
skill:161-wind peace
skill:162-fire energy excitation
skill:163-flash lightning
skill:164-hidden among rocks
skill:165-perison colliding wave
skill:166-wind cross cut
skill:167-falling meteorit
skill:168-lightning nuclear burst
skill:169-rock land blast
skill:170-great water ball strike
skill:171-wind blade combat
skill:172-fire bird rider
skill:173-great lightning ball
skill:174-crushhed stone strike
skill:175-pressure wave impale
skill:176-secret:serene mind
skill:177-secret:ecstasy of sound
skill:178-tornado step
skill:179-fiery magatama explosion
skill:180-lighning scater shoot
skill:181-nail earth coffin
skill:182-irresistible water blast
skill:183-secret:dark curse ceremony
skill:184-falling leaf illusion
skill:186-flash smash
skill:187-strike and shawdow
skill:188-hundred break
skill:189-enhanced strength fist
skill:190-flurry kick
skill:191-elbow knee combo
skill:192-swallow dance kick
skill:193-thousand violence strike
skill:194-eagle sky kick
skill:195-night ultimate dance
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